Youngsters in Pakistan are the most affected by drugs and alcohol and the number of these addicts is increasing at the rate of 40,000 per year making Pakistan one of the most drug affected countries in the world while the most disturbing fact is that majority of heroin addicts are under the age of 24.

The growing trend of drug abuse in educational institutions has posed a serious threat to the lives and health of students as the college and university students use drugs freely and openly.

According to one survey, one out of every 10 college/university students is a drug addict and almost 50 per cent students of different educational institutions particularly elite schools/colleges in Islamabad/Lahore are addicted to drugs, and majority of these students belong to elite class, having no issue of affordability

Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking that falls on June 26 every year around the globe.
He said the drug abuse jeopardises students’ health, both physically
 and mentally, because of which they cannot concentrate on their 
studies. “The widespread availability of drugs in Pakistan is 
making souls of youth lifeless and it is need of the hour to come up
 with effective measures to curb this menace
I chose this topic because I think it is necessary for today’s society 
which is taken over by the curse of drugs, mostly High School and 

university students are involved in it. It is the main reason that the 

youth today is distracted from their ambitions, and Pakistan, even 
after 63 years of independence, is a 3rd world country. One of the 
reasons is that some people who want to quit cannot, due to the 
lack of health care centres in the country. Some people also 
involved in illegal activities to take drugs because they are not 
financially strong. This study will help us analyze the effects of 
drug addiction and will help us find better alternatives Unless serious measures are taken now, the very future of a large 

chunk of today’s youth will be severely compromised. The problem 
of drug addiction is too real and serious to be ignored. The
 governments need to involve communities and media in 
highlighting the perils associated with drug addiction. Media has a 
responsibility to highlight such issues with a view to educating 
people and building a consensus among them to forge a united 
stand against such scourges   

Just save No Drugs


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