

       Effects of Ice Abuse                 Ice is one of the most destructive drugs on the illicit market, in its physical effects, mental effects and behavioral effects. If someone you care about is abusing it, it is critically important to help them find effective help as soon as possible.                                    Ice is a strong stimulant,  a highly purified form of methamphetamine that can be and usually is smoked. It causes a person to be energetic, artificially confident and euphoric. The ice user will normally stay up for days if the supply of ice holds out, eating little or no food. The high from ice can last a short time like a half an hour or as long as a full day. In most cases, the high from ice methamphetamine lasts much longer than the high from cocaine. When the ice wears off, the per...
The Dangers of College Alcoholism The college years are some of the most popular times to experiment with alcohol. Roughly 80 percent of college students – four out of every five – consume alcohol to some degree. It’s estimated that 50 percent of those students engage in  binge drinking , which involves consuming too much alcohol in too little time. Many young adults admit to drinking alcohol even before they enter college. After graduating high school and moving out on their own, college students want to experience their newfound freedom and independence. The availability of alcohol at sporting events and social activities is often tempting to students. What may start out as one drink can quickly turn into two, three or more. Drinking week after week causes the body to start building a tolerance to alcohol. This means it will require you to drink more in order to get the same high. Frequent heavy drinking greatly increases your chance of developing an  ...


                      CHARA'S Hand made in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal and India, Charas is a hashish form of cannibis and is widely used in India. Thecannibis plant, the same plant used to make marijuana, grows mostly in Northern India—where much of the charas manufacturing takes place. For thousands of years charas has been used in India for religious and medicinal purposes. The Drug was once just as much part of every day life as chai or chapatis Despite the current illegality of charas, many still use it today. How is Charas Made? The long and tedious process of making charas is accomplished by rubbing your hands through the cannibis flowers. Charas resin sticks to the palms of those trying to isolate the drug. After a long day of harvesting charas, you will end up with 8 or 9 grams. When you work quickly to get charas from the plant, the drug is a lower quality. In order to get the desired cream, you must work ver...


                           SHISHA SMOKERS   Shisha smokers makes the smoke more aromatic than cigarette smoke. Popular flavourings include apple, plum, coconut, mango, mint, strawberry and cola. Wood, coal, or charcoal is burned in the shisha pipe to heat the tobacco and create the smoke because the fruit syrup or sugar makes the tobacco damp Traditionally shisha tobacco contains  cigarette tobacco , so like cigarettes it contains nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide and heavy metals, such as arsenic and lead. As a result, shisha smokers are at risk of the same kinds of diseases as cigarette smokers, such as heart disease, cancer, respiratory disease and many other diseases It’s difficult to say exactly how much smoke or toxic substances you’re exposed to in a typical shisha session.People smoke shisha for much longer periods of time than they smoke a cigarette, and in one puff of shisha ...


Youngsters in Pakistan are the most affected by drugs and alcohol and the number of these addicts is increasing at the rate of 40,000 per year making Pakistan one of the most drug affected countries in the world while the most disturbing fact is that majority of heroin addicts are under the age of 24. The growing trend of drug abuse in educational institutions has posed a serious threat to the lives and health of students as the college and university students use drugs freely and openly. According to one survey, one out of every 10 college/university students is a drug addict and almost 50 per cent students of different educational institutions particularly elite schools/colleges in Islamabad/Lahore are addicted to drugs, and majority of these students belong to elite class, having no issue of affordability Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking that falls on June 26 every year around the globe. He said the drug abuse jeopardises students’ health, both physically...